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The Coudy Coffee News is our way of ‘getting the news out’ to you… what’s going on behind the scenes… deals we’ve found… new products… reviews of coffee and espresso equipment… and in general, just more cool coffee news and educational tidbits. Plus an occasional exclusive offer to newsletter subscribers, just in case all that news isn’t fascinating enough!

Subscribe to our monthly Newsletter now and receive 25% off your first (or next) order.


One thing we are NOT DOING (no, never, nada, cross-our-heart-and-hope-to-die, dang it!) is using your e-mail address for selling off to spammers to cross-market anything and everything. That’s not to say you won’t occasionally find an ad on this site or even in the newsletter; we are a business, and by golly, we like selling good stuff! However, anything we promote will be coffee related (unless the debbil takes hold and we promote tea or, gasp! Chocolate!) And we only put out one Newsletter a month. Though we might get really ambitious toward the holidays. You might hear from us twice a month then.