So much to learn… so little time! For years, my coffee education was that 1) Brewed coffee is usually better than instant; 2) Decaf tasted worse than regular, and 3) the more coffee grounds one heaped into the basket, the stronger the coffee. And I wondered why coffee in good restaurants always tasted better than mine, no matter what the Folgers’ commercials would have me believe.
Well, it took awhile, but I found out there’s a lot more to coffee than deciding between Maxwell House and Chase & Sanborn. Listed below are the basics of coffee appreciation, at least as we see ’em.
There’s always more to learn… so for those of you who already know that Ethiopian Yirgacheffe is always dry-processed but Mexican Alturas are wet-processed (not to mention what works with each in terms of roast levels), you can probably skip right on over to the More on Coffee section for as much of the latest coffee news as you can use!